Telluride, Part Trois

Christmas in February. The gifts and magic kept coming in Telluride.
We were all set to leave Telluride tonight to get a head start to our next ski-obsession destination, Taos Ski Valley, located in New Mexico's Southern Rocky Mountains. We wanted to knock off a couple hours of the 350 mile / seven hour drive, so the plan was to travel about 100 miles and find a place to camp for the night.
During our time in Telluride, the coverage was getting thin as it hadn't snowed in a couple weeks. How we wished for fresh snow! Unfortunately, timing wasn't on our side...
After another great evening with Ron, Patsy and Shrekkie, we said our goodbyes, and upon exiting the restaurant, the sky was puking big, wet flakes! For those who wish for more sophisticated language (engage British accent now): the sky released a profusion of stellar dendrites.
We rushed to Beastie to get on the road before it got too dangerous. A few minutes before our departure, a call came in from Patsy: the roads were quite slick, and it would not be a good idea to travel / drive over the Lizard Head Pass (elevation 10,222 feet / 3,116 m). Furthermore, finding a place to camp would be very difficult at night and in this weather, so please drive to their house and stay overnight. Ron would meet us down the road from their house so we could easily find their place in the dark. Needless to say, we were astonished by this incredibly kind offer and gesture of friendship.
We drove to meet Ron, and by the time we got to their house, there was already six inches of snow on the ground. Their long driveway was illuminated, and with the snowflakes coming down and the glow of amber lights emanating from the house, it was a winter wonderland. And then we stepped inside.
Simply beautiful. Stunning. Breathtaking.
We spent the next couple hours sitting and talking in front of a majestic, gorgeous floor to ceiling (spanning two floors) stone fireplace. The logs were popping and it was super cozy. I had to pinch myself several times to confirm all this magic was happening for real.
No words can describe just how special our days in Telluride have been. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ron and Patsy, for all the gifts you've bestowed upon us. We look forward to many more awesome adventures camping, skiing and trekking with you two!
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